Kari Lake Celebrates Election Challenge Moving Forward at AmericaFest 2022, ‘Christmas Came Early Yesterday’

PHOENIX, Arizona – While making another appearance at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest 2022 to an enthused crowd in downtown Phoenix, Republican Kari Lake shared her reaction to her election challenge officially going to trial.

“This is so historic, and you know what? I couldn’t have done it without you,” Lake said. “A little over a day ago, I stood here on this stage, and I said, please pray, not just for me, but pray for our attorneys, for our witnesses. Pray for the judge, my goodness! You did it, and yesterday we got great news, we are taking these bastards to court.”

Lake said one of the things she looks forward to most in this trial would be having her Democrat opponent, Katie Hobbs, under oath to tell the truth. While Hobbs avoided having to share a debate stage with Lake during the election cycle, Lake said it would be another story once Hobbs has to take the stand in this trial. She also said the same goes for other officials involved in the 2022 election, including Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who will all have to speak under oath.

“I just want to remind them that perjury is a felony,” Lake said.

However, as of writing, it appears Hobbs has once again been let off the hook. Allegedly, Lake’s lawyers withdrew their subpoena of Hobbs because the remaining counts going to trial only involve Maricopa County. Therefore, it appears Hobbs will not be testifying.

Ultimately, Lake said no matter what happens; her fight will not stop, reassuring the audience she is willing to take this case to the supreme court if needed. She said the best thing onlookers can offer during this fight is a prayer for the immediate trial and everything to follow.

As reported by The Arizona Sun Times, two counts of Lake’s contest will go to trial on Wednesday and Thursday. The judge’s ruling is expected to come by January 2nd, 2023, just before the inauguration day for Hobbs. However, Democrat attorney Mark Elias, representing Hobbs in this case, said Lake has a steep mountain of proof to provide, something he said would be impossible.

Legal experts told The Sun Times that they disagree that Lake can’t accomplish this. Still, one of her attorney’s hurdles will be to convince the audience that wrongdoing occurred in the election and that those acts altered the results. Lake’s remaining counts involve alteration of tabulation counts and ballot chain of custody.

“When the truth comes out in court about the disastrous election day in Maricopa County, I’m confident we’ll finally get justice for the voters all across Arizona,” Lake said in a statement emailed to reporters.

Furthermore, Harmeet Dhillon, a conservative attorney whom Lake brought onto her team to help with Election Day legal troubles, also took the stage at AmericaFest. She said that Kari Lake is a fighter and commended her courage.

Dhillon is involved in a fight of her own for chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). During the event, Turning Point’s Tyler Bowyer verbally endorsed Dhillon in her race following a Turning Point Action poll. The poll asked why the next chair of the RNC should be, Bowyer said he would give his support to whoever won, and Dhillon won in a landslide.

Watch Lake and Dhillon’s full remarks here.

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Neil Jones is a reporter for The Arizona Sun Times and The Star News Network. Follow Neil on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photos by Neil Jones.




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One Thought to “Kari Lake Celebrates Election Challenge Moving Forward at AmericaFest 2022, ‘Christmas Came Early Yesterday’”

  1. Steve Allen

    The sad part is that it will be nothing more than a dog and pony show to appease law abiding voters. The democrats have polluted our governments so deeply that I doubt we will ever see fair elections again.
